These rules, terms and conditions are subject to change at any time.
Policies & Procedure
Admission to the Ballet West Academy is determined by age or audition. Students ages 3-6 years old may enroll directly into the age-appropriate class. Acceptance is based on the student’s physical capability, openness to instruction, and available space in class level. Each student is evaluated and placed into a level at the discretion of the Academy Director, Campus Principals, and Faculty. All students, regardless of level, are taught by highly experienced faculty who strive to bring out the best in each of his or her students in each class. If you have any questions about placement or would like to schedule a placement class, please contact academy@balletwest.org.
Tuition may be paid in full at the time of registration or divided into 9 equal payments. A non-refundable deposit will be billed upon registering. Please note, all students regardless of scholarship and/or financial aid awards have to pay the deposit. As soon as the Ballet West team determines you are in the right class, we will charge the deposit. The non-refundable deposit is 50% of one monthly installment. The 2nd half of your first month's tuition will be billed on September 5, 2024.Subsequent tuition installments will be charged to the credit/debit card on file on 9/5/24, 10/7/24, 11/5/24, 12/5/24, 1/6/25, 2/5/25, 3/5/25, 4/7/25, 5/5/25. All accounts will be charged a $25 late fee after the 15th of the month. At two payments past due, the student will not be permitted to attend class until the account is made current.
A $45.00 registration fee will be charged upon registering. There are no performance or costume fees for annual showcases. -
To withdraw a student prior to the end of the year, a Withdrawal Form https://forms.gle/q3WY3vmwS3RyJzF47 must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the student’s last day of class. Refunds or cancellation of recurring charges will be done at the discretion of Academy leadership. In all circumstances, a $25 administrative fee will be charged for withdrawals. In circumstances of policy or code of conduct violations, students may be placed on probation. Students on an active probation may lose scholarship and financial aid awards and not be permitted to attend classes or participate in performance.
Any student found violating federal, state, or local law and/or Ballet West policies or codes of conduct may be reported to the proper authorities and dismissed from the program without a refund. Any student housing policy violations can result in dismissal from Ballet West Academy. All tuition, enrollment, and fees paid and/or owed to Ballet West Academy on behalf of any dismissed student are forfeited. Students dismissed from the program will go through the withdrawal process. -
Students are expected to be dropped off or picked up within 15 minutes of their scheduled class time. Fees will be charged as listed below for students arriving early or departing late:
Early Drop Off/Late Pickup Fees:
15-20 minutes – $15.00
21-30 minutes – $25.00
31+ minutes – $40 + -
Financial aid applications for the 2024-2025 school year open on May 1, 2024 and must be submitted by August 1, 2024. Decisions will be emailed to the address on file by August 15, 2024. Applications must be registered for class(es) and have made the non-refundable tuition deposit for their application to be considered.
Financial aid applications must be submitted through School and Student Services by NAIS. Please apply at the link below, using Ballet West Academy’s code, 9010. https://sssandtadsfa.force.com/familyportal/FamilyLoginUpdateAccount
Current tax information is required to complete the full application. There is a fee associated with this service which Ballet West is unable to waive. All applicants must successfully complete the application process, including submission of required supporting documentation before they can be considered for aid. -
Students are required to purchase and wear the Ballet West Academy uniform for each class and performance and adhere to hairstyle requirements. Uniform information can be found under each class description on our website and may be purchased at each campus or from the Ballet West Boutique website at https://balletwest.square.site/. Please be sure to select items for your respective campus. Jewelry and hair decorations are not allowed to be worn in class. Small earring studs are acceptable.
We encourage that students wear clothing that covers their dance attire and street shoes upon arrival and departure from the studio. -
Students should show respect for the Ballet West studios and property.
Chewing gum, food, and drinks—with the exception of water—are not allowed in the studio. Glass water bottles are not allowed. Students are welcome to have food in student areas during breaks. We have employees and students with severe nut allergies. No nut products are allowed on-site (including peanuts and peanut butter).
We make every effort to ensure the safety of our students. Any security concern should be reported directly to the Academy Office or a member of the Academy Staff. We ask that guardians of students 14 years and below come into the building to pick up their students. Students 15 years of age and above are encouraged to leave the building in groups of 2 or more. Students who are waiting to be picked up should wait inside the building until their ride arrives.
Jessie Eccles Quinney Ballet Centre Security
Door codes for the Jessie Eccles Quinney Ballet Centre should remain confidential. This code is updated regularly. Doors should not be held open for any unknown individuals; each individual should enter their own code to gain access to the building. Any security concern should be reported directly to the Academy Office or a member of the Academy Staff. -
Ballet West Academy requires all students and parents/guardians to abide by the following Code of Conduct. Any violation of these rules by students or parents/guardians may be grounds for dismissal from the program.
Students are expected to attend all regularly scheduled classes, rehearsals, and performances. Illness or injuries must be communicated to Ballet West Academy as soon as possible. Repeated excused or unexcused absences may be grounds for dismissal.
Ballet West Academy will not tolerate tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or the consumption or distribution of these substances at any time while attending Ballet West Academy.
No parent/guardian or student will harass, demean, tease, abuse, assault, or gossip about another person.
No student shall tamper with or take the personal property of others.
Inappropriate or disrespectful behavior or language will not be tolerated.
When entering and leaving the studio, students of all levels must wear appropriate clothing over their uniform or change in locker/changing rooms at the studio. Street shoes are required outside of the studio.
For security reasons, students are required to wait inside the building for pickup.
Parents/guardians and students should respect the expertise and decisions of the Ballet West Academy faculty.
Parents/guardians should support their students at all times, and encourage them to enjoy their training.
Utah code title 76 strictly prohibits photographing and filming in the locker rooms, changing rooms, or bathrooms. -
All absences should be emailed to their respective campus email address:
Ballet Centre (Downtown SLC) academy@balletwest.org
Trolley Corners (SLC): trolleycorners@balletwest.org
Utah County (Pleasant Grove): utahcounty@balletwest.org
Park City: parkcityacademy@balletwest.org
Please have the subject line read "Last Name, First Name, Absence. and date of absence" and place the reason for absence in the body. Ballet West Academy offers no refunds for students who are unable to attend class. Makeup classes may be arranged for excused absences in the level below the student’s current level. -
Providing Ballet West Academy with up-to-date medical information about enrolled students is required. Failure to communicate relevant information about students, including medical conditions, learning differences, and mental health challenges, is considered a policy violation.
If your child’s medical history has changed since you submitted registration materials, please notify us in writing. Faculty members are aware of any medical information specified on registration forms.
Should an emergency arise, all attempts will be made to reach a student’s parent/guardian first. If a parent/guardian cannot be reached, the emergency contact provided on the registration form will be called.
Should a student suffer a prolonged injury or illness, parents are required to provide Ballet West Academy with written notification from a physician that the student is permitted to resume classes. Ballet West Academy also requests any medical information or recommendations that may inform faculty and staff on how best to work with that student as they recover. Information should be directed to the Campus Administrator which will then notify the appropriate faculty and staff. -
In teaching the art of ballet, as well as other dance disciplines offered by Ballet West Academy, it is entirely appropriate for a teacher to put their hands on a student to correct the student’s posture, the physical line, the position of the student’s body or part of their body, or to help a student hold a position. Ballet West Academy does not tolerate any teacher student contact that is harmful or inappropriate. In enrolling their child, parents acknowledge that it is Ballet West Academy practice to correct students with physical contact.
Faculty members are happy to meet with parents, but all meetings should be scheduled through the Campus Administrator.
Meetings to review individual policy violations will not take place with a student under the age of 18 without a parent present. If a student is 18 or older, the Academy staff may meet with the student without parental consent. -
Advancement within the Academy is based on the following criteria:
Attendance: Regular attendance is expected. Students or a parent/guardian must report all absences to the Academy office prior to class time. Students with excessive excused or unexcused absences may jeopardize their placement, scholarship eligibility, and position in the program.
Skill Development: Technical skill development is evaluated in relation to the student's class level. Student's technical skills include: proper alignment and placement, use of turn-out, physical strength, coordination, classical line, musicality, cleanliness, and clarity of movements and positions, movement quality, and performing skills (in class, rehearsals, and during performances).
Attitude: Students should come to class with a positive attitude, develop a good working relationship with instructors and other students, and show a willingness to receive corrections and comments from their instructors. Students are expected to display social development and maturity appropriate to their level placement.
Promotions: Students are promoted on an individual basis. It is normal for students to be placed in the same level for two or more years. Students will be promoted to a higher level as determined by and at the sole discretion of the Academy Director and the faculty. -
Faculty will notify parents of any major progress issues throughout the year. A conference may take place at any time throughout the year in order to update parents/guardians on their student’s progress. All faculty members involved with teaching the student will have input into each student’s evaluations and conference. During the conference, teachers will discuss the student’s progress within his or her individual curriculum.
Students or parents/guardians may contact the Academy Administrator to schedule a conference with the Academy Director and/or faculty. BWA does not permit unscheduled conferences with the faculty; please do not approach faculty between classes. -
Twice per year we offer a parent observation week where parents/guardians are invited into the classroom to observe students’ progress. Parents may view classes only during designated observation weeks.
It is important that all members of the Ballet West Academy community (faculty, staff, students, and families) recognize that behavior, either verbal or physical, which disregards or demeans the self-esteem of others is unacceptable and violates our harassment and bullying policy. Any individuals engaging in such behaviors will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include suspension, expulsion, or dismissal without advance notice. Ballet West Academy is enriched by the diversity of its members. It recognizes and respects individual differences in culture, race, ethnic origin, religion, gender, and sexual orientation, and provides a welcoming environment of respect and sensitivity. We rely on all of our staff, faculty, students, and families to work proactively to build and maintain this environment.
Other examples of misconduct include: cyber bullying; theft; smoking on the premises; physical or verbal aggression; or possession, distribution, or use of illegal drugs in any Ballet West Academy facility. -
Ballet West Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students of the Ballet West Academy. It does not discriminate on the basis of culture, race, color, religion, or national and ethnic origin in administration of its admission policies, educational policies, and other programs.